A renewed transport strategy

A renewed transport strategy

Two people on bicycles

Since the development of Transport for Canberra 2012-2031, Canberra has seen considerable growth and the policy context has evolved and changed. Several critical policies have articulated our ambition for a dynamic, sustainable and resilient city in the future.

The 2016 Canberra: A Statement of Ambition defines the Government’s vision for a world class public transport system that supports a dynamic, globally connected city. The ACT Planning Strategy 2018 has introduced a plan for a more compact and efficient urban form, complemented by liveable neighbourhoods. The ACT Climate Change Strategy 2019-2025 has outlined a pathway to reduce the ACT’s carbon emissions to zero by 2045 at the latest. The ACT Infrastructure Plan has articulated the future direction for our transport investments.

In 2019 Infrastructure Australia released modelling that forecasts a near doubling of congestion on our roads and crowding on our buses by the 2030s without renewed investment and innovative policy approaches. In Australia, lifestyles are changing. Family travel patterns are more dynamic and changing working patterns means demand for weekend and night-time travel is increasing. COVID-19 has hastened these trends in working patterns and working remotely has become a part of the way Canberrans do business. No longer is transport just catering to the nine-to-five and the peak hour commute. People have more choice and control over when they travel, and have shifted household, personal and business shopping online. Globally, we have seen the emergence of autonomous vehicles and new business models such as transport paid for via subscription services and shared bike and scooter systems.

In recent months, COVID-19 has impacted travel and transport in a way we have never seen before. As we transition beyond COVID-19, certain trends will likely be retained, and new trends will emerge. This strategy and the complementary ACT Transport Recovery Plan will outline how we can make the most of positive trends and mitigate the risks associated with others.

Transport is a world of opportunity and to ensure Canberra is well placed to harness this opportunity, a renewed transport strategy is needed now to set the direction for transport policy and investment in Canberra over the next 20 years.

What we heard

From December 2018 to March 2019, the Canberra community provided feedback on the draft Transport Strategy Moving Canberra.

While the focus on improved public transport, cycling and walking was strongly supported by respondents, there was also an expectation that the strategy would more clearly account for necessary car trips, particularly for those in outer suburbs. People desired more transport options irrespective of their location. The community also expressed the need for a clear pathway to better integrate land use planning and transport – including how infrastructure and development will be jointly planned, sequenced and delivered.

Since the draft strategy was released, several key developments occurred including:

The ACT specific transport modelling, analysis and forecasting have heavily informed our approach to design a future ready transport system.

This final strategy considers the consultation feedback and responds to recent developments. It outlines the strategic vision for transport in Canberra over the next 20 years. It will be complemented by a forward program with accompanying plans and policies to implement the strategic vision.