Celebrate safety this Bus Safety Week

Safety never goes out of style with Transport Canberra recognising Bus Safety Week from 19 to 25 February 2024. Bus Safety Week is an opportunity to remind the Canberra community to stay safe on and around buses.

Safety has been at the heart of Transport Canberra since day one. We count on passengers, staff, and road users to prioritise safe practises around our buses because safety never goes out of style.

Prepare your best safety moves Canberra – it's time to rewind the tape and bring back the Bus Safe Rap from 1989.

1989 Bus Safe Rap

Near miss video

Bus safety tips for school students

Missed your bus or caught the wrong bus? Find out what to do on our travel safely to school page.

Safety tips for road users

Whether you're at the bus stop or crossing the road, let's make safety our daily jam.

Stay bus safe and check out more information on the travel safely to school page.

Bus safety checklist

Your bus safety checklist. Don't step out until the bus has stopped. Never walk in front of a bus, other road users can't see you. Give buses the room they need on the road. Avoid distractions around buses.

Bus safety week 2024