Parking Policy

Building an Integrated transport Network - Parking

In cities around the world, integrated transport networks shape the way cities grow and prosper, generating economic opportunities and jobs and providing vibrant and attractive social environments for residents and visitors. Parking is critical in building an integrated transport network for Canberra.

The ACT Government's parking action plan, is designed to make parking more accessible by improving the availability of different types of parking to support different needs, aligning short-term parking to better support access to businesses and services, and making parking easier to locate.

Canberrans have the highest car dependency and travel further in their cars than residents in any other Australia capital cities. With a high degree of certainty about finding a park at or close to any destination, and low city parking prices we have historically enjoyed a parking environment that is the envy of people in the larger capital cities. While the government recognises the need to encourage people to use a range of transport modes to get to work and move around the city, it acknowledges that the car will continue to meet the travel needs of a large number of Canberrans and that parking supply and demand needs to be better managed if we are to maintain the viability of our employment, education, entertainment, sporting, leisure and other activity centres.

Parking Action Plan (PDF 3.4MB)

Parking Summary (PDF 816KB)